Mostly, Linux distributions have a sort of package manager that identifies, fetches software packages from the web, and installs them for you. Once you open the package manager, locate Lame then install it if it is not yet installed.

Locate Lame in library preferences after installation. You can either download or compile then install a compatible version of the Lame mp3 encoder. Click “Ok” to begin the encoding process of the file to mp3 format The Audacity will require you to enter the ID3 tags for the artist’s name and title of the song. Once you are done customizing the bit rate, you can now proceed in clicking “OK” to get back to the main Audacity screen

Look for “lame_enc.dll“ which you can find under “C:\program files\lame for audacity\“ select and click the “Open” to continue.Look for the tab labelled as “File Formats” and then click on “Find Library” button.