This was already in the 3DS version, but the Switch version features a lot more in the way of character customization options, letting you personalize your character to resemble you as much as you can or letting you be someone else entirely. One of the biggest hooks of Miitopia is how it implements your own Mii avatars (those little representations of yourself that are tied to your profile) in the game.

Now, with the Switch’s popularity still sky high, it’s getting a second lease on life. Combine that with a lukewarm critical reception, and you’ve got a title that not enough people enjoyed despite a few fun ideas that were brought to the table. Of course one of the reasons that many people missed out on the 3DS version of Miitopia was that it was released very late in the handheld’s lifecycle, a few months after the Switch had launched in 2017. As a game we originally missed out on and didn’t play until later, we couldn’t wait to try it out on the Switch. Miitopia is Nintendo’s next first party game that’s making the leap from the 3DS to the Nintendo Switch.